Advice on retirement

An important part of financial planning is your retirement. After all, you have spent your entire life working for this and it is your income for later on. Although the Netherlands has a fine pension system, a good pension is not always self-evident. Another problem is that most people are unclear about how much pension they have built up and whether this will be sufficient.

Insight into your pension

One of our advisors is happy to give you an overal picture of your personal situation. He or she can assess what you have arranged for your retirement and can set up an action plan for you, if needed. This way you can enjoy your well deserved retirement later on.

More information

Whether you are an entrepreneur or private individual, everyone can ask Stolp+KAB for expert advice on retirement, either for himself or his personnel. Call us for an appointment: +31 71 3315200 (Roelofarendsveen), +31 70 3209355 (Voorburg) and ask for John Kret or Kevin Kuiper.